Nocturne International General Trading L.L.C, an United Arab Emirates-registered corporation with its main office in Malik Emaar Real Estate St. M. A Burj Khalifa PO Box: 384780 Dubai, United Arab Emirates, is the entity in charge of managing this website. The user accepts the terms and conditions listed below as well as all the issues arising out of and inherent to the contents upon accessing this Site and browsing the information on the following web pages. The use of this website implies adherence to United Arab Emirates law.


The photos related to the products and the way they are presented within this Site are just for illustrative purposes, and it is understood that every reference to products or services made in this Site does not represent a sales or supply offer. The company, Nocturne International General Trading L.L.C, permits the viewing and consultation of the content on this site for personal use only; any duplication of this content for use outside the home or for personal information, even in part, is strictly prohibited. Therefore, no copy of this website or any portion of it may be bought, given away, used for profit, modified, or incorporated in any other work or publication. The business, Nocturne International General Trading L.L.C, maintains the right to take legal action against any unlawful use or violation of the law in any court of law, whether it be in a civil or criminal case.


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The only rightful owner of any distinctive markings (including denoting and figurative trademarks, logos, slogans, etc.) used on this website is Nocturne International General Trading L.L.C. Any public replication in any kind is strictly prohibited, as is the usage of any of these identifying symbols.


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Additionally, this website can have an archive of data that is provided just for users to consult. The right to modify the Site's content is reserved by Nocturne International General Trading L.L.C at any moment. Nocturne International General Trading L.L.C cannot be held liable for any potential imprecision or error of the data published here because the information and news on this site are supplied without any explicit or implicit guarantee of any kind.